Rates & fees

The information detailed in this section is for existing customers only. These products are not available to new customers.

Savings and Deposit rates


Personal customer

All rates correct as at 8 May 2024.

Classic Saver

£ Gross1/AER2 %
1+ 2.00
Less than 1 0.00
Interest is calculated daily on your closing balance and is paid annually.

Every Day Saver

£ Gross1/AER2 %
1+ 2.00
Less than 1 0.00
Interest is calculated daily on your closing balance and is paid quarterly, in March, June, September and December.


Business customers

Instant Saver Plus

£ Gross1/AER2 %
1+ 1.70%
Less than 1 0.00
Interest is calculated daily on your closing balance and is paid annually.

Call Account

10,000+ The rate of interest applicable to your account will be agreed with you on the date that your account is opened. If you have already taken advantage of our bespoke rate offering, please contact your Account Manager or Customer Service Team to confirm your interest rate.
Interest is paid twice a year in March and September.
1 Gross rates are variable. Interest is paid gross without the deduction of tax.
2 AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and illustrates what the interest rate would be if the interest rate was paid and compounded once each year. As every advertisement for a savings product which quotes an interest rate will contain an AER it enables you to compare different products on a standardised basis and the return you can expect from a savings account over time.