A Focus on Financial Literacy

Financial literacy

Supporting you

To support you in the classroom, we have developed 3 purposefully designed Financial Literacy presentations, focused on the on the 6 pillars of Financial Wellbeing.

Suitable for students aged 11 – 18, they cover topics like spending and saving, earning and income, credit and debt, investing and risk, protection and financial decision making.

The competitive edge

Financial literacy skills learned now will empower your students to truly embrace all of life’s opportunities with confidence – today and into the future. But not only that, all the knowledge acquired across all 3 presentations will also give your students the edge if you decide as a school to participate in the Money Smarts Challenge. Game on!

Flexible delivery

Our Financial Literacy presentations can be delivered either virtually or on site in your school. In both instances, your local team will be on hand to help with every aspect of bringing this important content to life for students.

To find out more, or to book a session for your school please email financialwellbeingni@boi.com