Fees and Charges

Fee Free Everyday Banking

How to keep interest and charges as low as possible


  • Make sure there is enough money in your account, or enough of an arranged overdraft, to cover all your spending.
  • Always discuss your borrowing needs before you go overdrawn or over an arranged overdraft limit.
  • Make sure we have your most up to date mobile phone number to receive free text alerts.
  • Register for Banking 365 to be able to manage your account and make payments on the go.


Here are a few positive and simple steps that you can take to make sure you keep interest and charges down.

Step 1

Check your spending over the last month to see whether you tend to go overdrawn.

Step 2

If you tend to go overdrawn, do you have an arranged overdraft limit and is the overdraft limit enough to cover the amount you go overdrawn by? If so, you don’t need to take any action.

Step 3

If you need to arrange a new or increased arranged overdraft, visit the overdraft section of our website.