Report fraud

To report fraud you can phone us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on the phone numbers below.

Phone from UK

Freephone: 0800 121 7790 (Personal customers)

Freephone: 0800 032 1288 (Business On Line and Global Market Customers)

Phone from ROI

Freephone: 1800 946 764

Phone from outside UK and ROI

Not Freephone: 00353 567 757 007
If something looks like fraud on your account, we may phone you or send you a text or email to ask about it.

Report a suspicious email or text

If you think an email or text from Bank of Ireland UK looks suspicious, send it to

Lost or stolen card?

If you think your card has been lost or stolen, please phone us right away on these numbers.

We’ll cancel your card as soon as you tell us it’s missing and get a new card sent to the address we have for you in 5 to 7 working days.

See payments you did not make, paid from your account?

If you see payments you did not make, paid from your account, or anything that could be fraud please phone us right away on these numbers.

Shared your online login details?

If you have given your online banking details to someone, please phone us right away on these numbers.