Accessibility Supports

We are committed to providing services that are accessible to everybody. We are working to increase the accessibility of our products and services. Visit Our Accessibility Statement.

Our Supports


Deaf or hard of hearing

Hearing loops in branch

Our branches have hearing loops available. Hearing loops provide a magnetic, wireless signal recognised by most hearing aids.
They can improve sound quality during conversations with staff.

Let a staff member know if you wish to use this support. When using the hearing loop turn your hearing aid to the T position.


British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation service in branch

We can organise a video remote BSL interpreter for you in our branches.

We will connect you to a qualified BSL interpreter to assist your conversation with our branch staff.

Please let one of our staff members know if you need this.


Relay UK

Relay UK helps people with hearing and speech difficulties communicate over the phone.

You can use Relay UK with a textphone or by downloading the app to your smartphone, tablet or PC.
Dial 18001 followed by the number you want to call.
There is no additional charge for using Relay UK, but you will still pay any usual call costs.

When you call us using Relay UK a Relay assistant will type back to you what our staff member is saying.
You can reply by speaking or typing your response.

Relay UK are a third party. You will be subject to their terms and conditions.
Visit Relay UK to learn more about the supports available.


Blind or visually impaired

You can request our communications (statements, letters and brochures) in Braille, large print, audio or coloured paper.

Please contact your local branch or our call centre on 0346 6016 157.


Online, mobile and telephone banking

If it is easier for you to do your banking from home visit Banking with us for options.