Life events

When a challenging life event happens, we’re here to help you and give you the support you need.

We know it can be a difficult time when you lose a loved one. We want to do what we can to help you. Please get in touch to let us know about a bereavement or complete our online bereavement form. Read our bereavement guide which has details on what to do when someone that has a mortgage with us passes away. It also has a list explaining all the different terms and phrases used and the organisations you can go to for support.

You may need to send us proof of identification if you are dealing with the estate of the person who has passed away and need access to the mortgage details. Our proof of identification leaflet lets you know what forms of ID we accept.


‘Tell us once’ service

When you get in touch, let us know of any other accounts we hold with the person who has passed away. We’ll make sure the other teams are made aware of what’s happened. They’ll be in touch with you if they need to.


What if the person I’ve lost isn’t named on the mortgage?

We can still support you if you’ve experienced bereavement for someone who isn’t named on the mortgage. Just get in touch if you’re worried about paying your mortgage, want extra support to communicate with us or need help to manage your account.


Other support

You may find you need other means of support. That’s why we’ve put together a pack which has lots of useful information about what to do when someone close to you passes away.


Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

When a relationship ends, you might find you need to make decisions about your finances, such as dealing with joint financial commitments or future living arrangements. We’re here for you if you need help and support with your mortgage. Just get in touch to let us know.

  • What happens if my mortgage is in joint names?

    While you decide what to do with your property, everyone named on the mortgage, known as a borrower, is equally responsible for making sure the payments are made on time. This still applies if one of you has moved out of the property. Missing any payments will negatively affect the credit score for all borrowers.

    We can only accept a Direct Debit from one bank account. All borrowers are jointly and severally liable for the whole payment amount. This means that you’re each responsible for the entire monthly payment. You’ll need to agree together how much you pay if you split the amount, and how it’s paid. Visit our payments page for details.

    You should let us know if there’s a change to your name, address, or contact details following a relationship breakdown. We won’t share any personal details with anyone else named on the mortgage. You can send us a request to amend your contact details through your hub or our website.

    All borrowers will be able to see any documents that you’ve asked to be uploaded to your hub if you and any other borrower have registered to use it. We’ll check you’re happy before we upload anything. All the other information on your hub will stay separate.

    All borrowers will need to sign paperwork confirming any changes to your mortgage. For example, if you want to remove someone, change your interest rate or length of your mortgage. We’ll do what we can to contact any other borrower if they’ve moved out of the property and you’re not in touch with them.

    You can apply for Third Party Authority if you want someone to talk to us about your mortgage for you. You can set this up through your hub,  send us a request or ask us to post you a form. It’s up to you to choose what details we share with them. All borrowers will need to agree to adding a third party to your mortgage account.

  • What are my options?

    You can visit GOV.UK or contact Citizens Advice if you want to know your rights relating to your property or money following a separation. Other support organisations are suggested below. You could also speak with a financial or legal adviser, but they may charge a fee for this.

    You can also check if you’re able to get free legal aid.

    Once you decide what you want to do, get in touch so we can help with your mortgage.

  • Can I sell my property to pay off the mortgage if it’s in joint names?

    Everyone named as a legal owner of the property will need to agree to selling it. Any money left over once your mortgage is repaid is known as equity. How this equity is split depends on many different factors. You’ll need to discuss this with a solicitor. They may charge a fee for this.

    If the property is sold for less than the outstanding mortgage balance, the remaining amount is known as a shortfall. All borrowers are jointly and severally responsible for paying us the shortfall. This means you either pay the whole of the shortfall amount together or the whole amount will need to be paid by one of you. We may take action to recover the shortfall against both of you, or either of you.

  • Can I remove a borrower from the mortgage if I want to keep the property?

    You’ll need to apply to remove them from the current mortgage, which is known as a Transfer of Equity. Separately, they will need to agree to being removed as legal owner of the property.  Further information on this can be found in the section below. For a Transfer of Equity, we’ll assess your affordability and check your credit history to make sure you can afford the mortgage on your own. Your application must meet our lending policy. You’ll need to show you can afford any extra costs if you want to borrow more to buy the other borrower’s share of the property.

    You can replace a joint borrower with someone else when you apply. We’ll also assess their affordability, and they must meet our lending policy and live in the property unless the mortgage is a Buy to Let.

    We’ll close your existing account and set up a new one in your name(s) if your application is approved.

    You could also choose to pay off your mortgage with us and take out a new one with another lender.

  • Can a joint borrower be removed from the mortgage but stay named as a legal owner of the property?

    We won’t remove a borrower from the mortgage if they want to remain a legal owner of the property. Please seek legal advice if you want more information.

  • What should I do if I have a court order stating the property now legally belongs to one borrower?

    The court order is between you and the joint borrower. You should seek legal advice to make sure you are meeting any requirements within the court order. This includes any specific timescales you must meet.

    You’ll need to apply to remove a joint borrower from the mortgage before we make any changes to the account. You and the property must meet our lending policy. We’ll assess your affordability and check your credit history to make sure you can afford the mortgage on your own. You must instruct a solicitor to change the legal ownership of the property. The firm must be on our approved panel, or we can appoint one for you.

    If your application to remove a joint borrower from the mortgage is unsuccessful:

    • You can still appoint a panel solicitor who can apply to change the legal ownership of the property. They’ll need to contact us so that we can consent to this change, but the mortgage will stay the same. We will charge a £100 admin fee to do this. You’ll need to speak to a solicitor or an independent financial adviser about how you can meet the terms of your court order. There may be a charge for this.

    Whilst the joint borrower is still named on the mortgage, you’ll each be responsible for making sure the total monthly amount is paid on time. They’ll also have to agree to any future changes to the mortgage, including switching your interest rate. Missing any payments will negatively affect the credit score for all borrowers.

  • Where can I get further help and support:

    The following can help with any concerns or other questions you have. They offer free and independent advice:

    • MoneyHelper – calculate what your separation or divorce could cost
    • GOV.UK – offer practical information about your rights and responsibilities
    • Citizens Advice – give details on how to access affordable legal help
    • – offer relationship support, advice, and counselling online, over the phone and face-to-face.
  • What if I’m experiencing financial or domestic abuse?

    We’re here for you and have a specialist team to support you.

    Complete our support form to tell us how to contact you safely. You can let us know how you would like us to get in touch and when it’s best to contact you.

    There are charities which can help too:

    • Women’s aid – offer life-saving services with the aim of building a future without domestic violence
    • Mankind initiative – help men escape domestic abuse
    • Refuge – help women and children who affected by domestic abuse
  • What should I do next?
    • Visit our help and support page if you’re worried about paying your mortgage following a relationship breakdown. Thousands of borrowers get help from their lender every year. Having a conversation with us won’t affect your credit score. The earlier you get in touch, the easier it will be to help you.
    • Visit our guidance page for other things you might want to think about. You’ll find our contact details here if you have other accounts with us
    • You may be wondering what fees and charges are involved in any of the subjects discussed here. Please refer to the Tariff of Mortgage Charges for more information at the bottom of the link.


Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

We’re here to help if you’ve been diagnosed with a long-term illness and this means you’re worried about paying your mortgage, need extra support to communicate with us or need help to manage your account. Just get in touch to let us know. When you call, we’ll talk through your situation so we can understand how best to help you.

This could mean:

  • Changing how often we contact you, or the way we contact you
  • Granting a third party authority– where you ask someone such as a family member, or close friend to talk to us about your mortgage
  • Setting up a power of attorney – where you choose someone to help you make decisions, either together or on your behalf
  • Talking through your options for your mortgage if your illness impacts your finances and/or ability to work.

Visit our practical help section for more details.

Having a conversation with us won’t affect your credit score. The earlier you get in touch, the easier it will be for us to help you.


Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

Losing your job can be hard, especially if it means you’ll struggle financially. Get in touch if you find yourself in this situation and you’re worried about paying your mortgage.

Thousands of borrowers get help from their lender every year. Having a conversation with us won’t affect your credit score. The earlier you get in touch, the easier it will be for us to help you.


How can you help if I’m struggling to pay my mortgage?

  • Switching to a new fixed rate deal could make your payments more affordable. It may help you to manage your finances better too. Visit our get a new deal page if you’re on a variable rate or a fixed interest rate which is due to end within the next six months.
  • Check out our Mortgage Charter page to see what support you can get if you have a residential mortgage and your payments are up to date.
  • Visit our financial worries page if you’re already in arrears, or not able to switch your rate or apply for Mortgage Charter support. This has other information you might find useful, including what to do next.


Further help and support

The following organisations can help with any financial concerns you might have. They offer free and independent advice:


Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage

What is mental health?

Mental health is something that affects all of us and is just as important as your physical health. It’s how you feel from an emotional, psychological and social point of view. This means it affects how you think, the decisions you make and how you manage daily activities or relate to other people. For example, you may find it difficult making decisions about your finances and how you manage your money.


How do I know if my mental health is suffering?

Problems with your mental health aren’t always easy to spot. It’s good to know when you might be suffering so you can act on it straight away.

Some signs to look out for are:

  • Getting angry or being aggressive, but you can’t explain why
  • Having negative thoughts, such as suicide or self-harming
  • Experiencing mood swings or not wanting to do anything
  • Finding things more confusing, or daily activities become harder to cope with
  • Feeling anxious about paying bills or how much money you have in your bank account
  • Sleeping more or less than normal, or waking up a lot during the night
  • Avoiding social groups, even if it’s meeting with friends and family
  • Stopping the things you used to enjoy.

If you start to notice these signs, the NHS website and Mind have advice on how to take care of your mental wellbeing.


What help can you offer me?

We understand that worrying about money and your mortgage can affect your mental health. Please let us know if you need support managing your mortgage or you just want to talk to us. We’ll work with you to see how we can help. This could mean changing how often we contact you, the way we contact you, or arranging for someone to talk to us on your behalf – visit our third party authority page for details.

You can also manage your mortgage or ask us any questions using your hub. Once you’ve registered, it’s available seven days a week, at a time that suits you.

Visit our financial worries page if you’re concerned about the cost of living or paying your mortgage. This also has details on where to go to for help with your other finances.


What will you do with my information?

You may find it difficult to tell us about any mental health issues, so give us as much or as little information as you want. We’ll only use what you tell us about your health to help you. We’ll keep anything you say confidential.


Where else can I get help with my mental health?

For advice on mental health here’s where you can get help:

  • Visit your doctor. They may be able to help you with treatment and could refer you to another professional.
  • Get in touch with a charity that give free help and support. Some popular charities are:
    • Mind support and advise people to help them understand and manage their mental health
    • Mental Health UK bring together the expertise of four charities; Rethink Mental Illness (England), Hafal (Wales), Support in Mind Scotland and Mindwise (Northern Ireland). They provide support and services for those facing mental health challenges with alcoholism, money problems, loneliness and isolation
    • Samaritans help and support people all day and night, who are in or may end up in a crisis
    • Anxiety UK provide support and relief to anyone dealing with anxiety, stress or depression. Family, friends and carers can also get help.
  • Visit the NHS website for more information about mental health.